Trans Temporal: Finding Community across Generations
Avenues for finding transgender community abound in 2019: the internet, support groups, organizations. Transgender activism is widespread giving voice to those silenced for too long.
Austin Street, Ghostly Sentinel of San Antonio’s Queer Past
Nearly all scholars of queer history acknowledge the difficulty of excavating the queer past when traces of such histories were often submerged, hidden, or eradicated. Print material that exists for decades prior to the 1970s, depicts gays and lesbians as deviant and aberrations of nature.
Derelict Spaces and Country Places: The Emergence of San Antonio’s Queer Community, 1940s-1970s
As we explore contemporary notions of gender, identity, and appearance, we can look to the past to ascertain how our present-day interpretations are grounded in the evolution of queer communities decades ago. During the 1940s through the 1970s, lesbians, gays, and trans San Antonians came together in peripheral spaces peppered throughout the city and its surrounds.