(210) 824-5368 6000 North New Braunfels Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78209

Portfolio Category: Leslie Martinez

Replenishing Alchemy

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Replenishing Alchemy   2019 Cotton hospital bed sheets, canvas drop cloth, aluminum foil,…

Replenishing Alchemy (Detail)

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Replenishing Alchemy   2019 Cotton hospital bed sheets, canvas drop cloth, aluminum foil,…

Splayed in the Shadow

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Splayed in the Shadow   2018 Canvas, wood, paper, rubber, vinyl, plaster, acrylic,…

Splayed in the Shadow (Detail)

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Splayed in the Shadow   2018 (Detail) Canvas, wood, paper, rubber, vinyl, plaster,…

Stealth Bomber

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Stealth Bomber   2017 Plaster dipped canvas, ink, glitter, reflective trail marking tacks,…

Hole at the Top of the Sky

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Hole at the Top of the Sky   2017 Cast iron, rubber, and…

State of Emergence

Leslie Martinez (They/them) State of Emergence   2017 Acrylic, sumi ink, sand, paper pulp, glitter and…

Fear of Clearing Fog

Leslie Martinez (They/them) Fear of Clearing Fog   2017 Paper pulp, flashe paint, tempera paint, canvas…
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